We have created a series of circular walks which start and end at Greystone Farm. The maps can be downloaded here, found in a leaflet available to buy for £1 from ‘The Little Farm Shed’, or displayed on a noticeboard outside The Little Farm Shed.
Click on the maps below to see the walks
Map 1 The Paxford Loop
4.3km 1 hour moderate (walk past The Churchill Arms pub Paxford)
A gentle walk, through Greystone Farm, along the Marlbrook, to Paxford. Then looping back to the farm through the pretty Paxford plantation, through the other side of Greystone Farm and then into the very peaceful Sedgecombe plantation, before returning to the farm.
For those not staying at www.greystonefarmcaravansite.co.uk , please do not park at Greystone Farm without prior permission from Emma Harrison, contact details on website. Alternatively, turn left out of farm drive, after approximately 150m, park in layby. Please don’t park in farm gateway. Once parked, cross road and join bridle way which runs along the edge of the farm.
If staying at Greystone Farm caravan site, turn right out of cl field, then immediately left through the stripy gate, follow hedge, through next stripy gate, follow hedge to treeline. Turn left at fence onto bridle way.
Walk along bridle way with trees and brook on rhs.
Walk through three wooden gates, then reach two metal gates.
Go through metal gates, take care crossing railway line.
Walk through metal gate, then down short slope.
Continue along field edge, with hedgerow on rhs.
Continue past track on rhs.
Continue with hedgerow on rhs, towards houses.
Just before houses, there are two bridges on rhs.
Cross over the wider bridge then bear left.
Walk along track with hedgerow on lhs and wooden fence on rhs.
Continue as track turns into gravel driveway.
Follow driveway, over bridge and on towards postbox.
At postbox on grass island, turn left and walk along pavement.
Walk past footpath sign on lhs, until reaching The Churchill Arms.
Opposite pub, walk through kissing gate on lhs, across grass field and over stream bridge.
End of bridge, turn right, over footpath stile and across grass field to low bridge on edge of plantation.
Walk just into edge of plantation, then bear left, with field on lhs and main plantation on rhs. Follow grassy track, as it bears right, a stream with a series of bridges will be on lhs.
Continue until a waymark points left, cross wooden bridge, exit plantation and turn right.
Follow field edge, at field corner, bear left following with field edge. After about 20m, turn right, over low bridge and through gate.
After gate, turn left and walk along field edge to stile and steps.
Cross stile and steps, take care crossing railway line. Over stile and bridge into grass field.
Continue straight ahead, with hedgerow on lhs. Through two gateways, continuing straight ahead, uphill, until stile is reached by road.
Cross stile and road. Enter Sedgecombe plantation and turn left.
Follow path downhill, cross dirt track keeping on downhill path until a waymark is reached.
If parked at layby, at waymark, continue along path, until end of plantation. Turn left, cross stile to layby.
If staying at Greystone Farm, at waymark, turn left, exit plantation, cross road and walk along farm drive.
Map 2 The Sedgecombe Wood Loop
3.2 km 1 hour moderate (10-minute detour to The Bakers Arms pub Broad Campden)
‘a walk to take in the peace of Sedgecombe plantation. The path winds its way through the trees, before dropping down past Sedgecombe Wood and then into Northwick Business Centre. The business centre was once a camp for a Polish community displaced during World War Two. The walk runs past a very interesting war memorial, before running back into the plantation and then on to the farm’.
For those not staying at www.greystonefarmcaravansite.co.uk , please do not park at Greystone Farm without prior permission from Emma Harrison, contact details on website. Alternatively, turn left out of farm drive, after approximately 150m, park in layby. Please don’t park in farm gateway. Once parked, cross the stile at the layby, turn immediately right and enter plantation. Follow path to waymark. At waymark continue straight on, climbing uphill through plantation.
For those staying at Greystone Farm caravan site, turn right out of cl field, walk down farm drive, cross road, enter plantation and at waymark turn right, climbing uphill through plantation.
Cross dirt track and continue on path.
As path bears left and starts to level out, walk to the waymark sign, continue straight on the path through plantation.
(A detour can be made to The Bakers Arms pub in Broad Campden at this point. At the waymark, turn right, exit plantation, cross road, cross stile, walk down steep hill. Cross stile in between houses, cross road, continue on path other side of road. End of path, turn left to main village road, at road turn right to pub).
Continue on path in plantation, until a stile is reached.
Cross stile, turn left and walk down steep concrete track past Sedgecombe wood.
At end of concrete, cross stile into Northwick Business Centre.
Turn left, walk downhill along road, with wood on lhs and buildings on rhs.
About 3⁄4 of the way down, War Memorial is on rhs.
Continue on road to bottom of slope, don’t follow road as it bears right.
If parked in layby, cross stile straight ahead back to layby.
If staying at Greystone Farm, don’t cross stile, but turn left into plantation. Follow path in plantation until waymark.
At waymark, turn right, exit plantation, cross road and walk along farm drive.
Map 3 The Broad Campden Loop
7.6km 2.5 hours moderate (walk past The Bakers Arms, Broad Campden)
(A shorter 45 min loop from The Bakers Arms is very pretty. Please see end of this route for Bakers Arms Loop)
‘A walk to the honey-coloured Cotswold village of Broad Campden via the peaceful Sedgecombe plantation. Then walking past the Norman chapel and onto a gentle climb along the Monarch’s way with beautiful views looking across the North Cotswolds and into Warwickshire. The route leaves farmland tracks, not far from Blockley, onto 1⁄2 mile of a country road. Once off the road the track runs alongside Sedgecombe Wood, and then into Northwick Business Centre whose huts housed a Polish community displaced during World War Two. The walk ends with a short walk through Sedgecombe plantation back to the farm’.
For those not staying at www.greystonefarmcaravansite.co.uk , please do not park at Greystone Farm without prior permission from Emma Harrison, contact details on website. Alternatively, turn left out of farm drive, after approximately 150m, park in layby. Please don’t park in farm gateway. Once parked, cross the stile at the layby, turn immediately right and enter plantation. Follow path to waymark. At waymark continue straight on, climbing uphill through plantation.
If staying at Greystone Farm caravan site, turn right out of cl field, walk down farm drive, cross road, enter plantation and at waymark turn right, climbing uphill through plantation.
Cross dirt track and continue on path uphill, then as path levels out, reach waymark.
At waymark, turn right, exit plantation, cross road, and cross stile into grass field.
Walk down steep slope to stile between houses.
Cross stile, walk along path, cross road and continue onto narrow path other side of road.
Follow path, until reaching a series of tarmac tracks. Ignore the ‘no through roads’ and join the main village road on left.
At road turn right, walk along road, ignore first footpath sign marked Heart of England Way. Immediately past The Bakers Arms, turn left through wooden gate onto Monarchs Way.
Walk uphill along track, continue on track as it levels out and leads between two fields.
Continue along track, at end of second field, turn left following waymark signposted Monarchs Way.
At wooden gate with house on rhs, go through gate, follow track downhill for a short distance until climbing up through gate and steps to track.
Map 4 The Ebrington Loop
9km 2 hours moderate (walk past Vegetable Matters café or detour to Ebrington Arms)
‘A varied walk with lots to see. The walk begins alongside the Marlbrook at Greystone Farm and leads onto the pretty village of Paxford. From Paxford, the route, runs through vegetable fields, past horse paddocks and across a little used grass airfield. Once the traditional Cotswold stone village of Ebrington is reached, there is a vegetable shop/café selling produce from the nearby fields. On leaving Ebrington, the route runs past an interesting pond and then onto the point-to-point course before reaching Paxford once more. The path runs along a peaceful stream in Paxford plantation, before crossing the railway and back onto Greystone Farm’.
For those not staying at www.greystonefarmcaravansite.co.uk , please do not park at Greystone Farm without prior permission from Emma Harrison, contact details on website. Alternatively, turn left out of farm drive, after approximately 150m, park in layby. Please don’t park in farm gateway. Once parked, cross road and join bridle way which runs along the edge of the farm.
If staying at Greystone Farm caravan site, turn right out of cl field, then immediately left through the stripy gate, follow hedge, through next stripy gate, follow hedge to treeline. Turn left at fence onto bridle way.
Walk along bridle way with trees and brook on rhs.
Walk through three wooden gates, then reach two metal gates. Go through metal gates, take care crossing railway line.
Walk through metal gate, then down short slope.
Continue along field edge, with hedgerow on rhs.
Continue past track on rhs.
Continue with hedgerow on rhs, towards houses.
Just before houses, there are two bridges on rhs.
Cross over the wider bridge then bear left.
Walk along track with hedgerow on lhs and wooden fence on rhs. Continue as track turns into gravel driveway.
Follow driveway, over bridge and on towards postbox.
At postbox on grass island, turn left and walk along pavement. Walk past footpath sign on lhs, until reaching The Churchill Arms. Continue on pavement past The Churchill Arms, past park on rhs.
Cross road signposted to Chipping Campden, continue along road past 40mph sign.
Cross road signposted to Ebrington, then immediately bear left into orchard, follow grassy path with hedge on lhs.
Walk past pond on rhs, with wooden fence on lhs, to end of garden.
Turn left into field, veer slightly right, walk across large undulating field to gap in cross hedge.
Go straight across next field, over small bridge, through kissing gate.
Continue in a straight line across horse paddock to kissing gate.
Through kissing gate, continue in straight line to drive, turn left onto drive and walk down drive.
Climb over stile, next to large gate and walk to road.
Don’t cross fast road, turn left and walk 50 paces.
Carefully cross road to large metal gate in field corner.
Through gate, then veer left slightly and go across the field, towards gap in hedge.
Cross small wooden bridge and squeeze-stile.
Bear slightly left, crossing field to hedge on lhs.
Cross bridge, through metal gate, walk along field edge with hedge on rhs.
Cross stile, cross air strip, cross stile to squeeze stile and bridge in hedge.
Cross into field, continue straight on, across ridges (don’t bear right) to corner of field by farm shed.
Cross stile, turn right, walk along hedge for approx. 35m and reach road.
At road (turn right for Ebrington Arms) turn left onto road, walk downhill away from village.
Walk past (or visit) Vegetable Matters shop/café, past field, then look for waymark pointing right onto a track.
Follow track with field on rhs, until garden/house.
Turn left, cross stile, walk along grass track with garden on rhs.
Through wooden kissing gate, past the old Mill Pond on lhs and Pudlicott Mill house on rhs.
Down steps, over bridge, follow track to road. Road is very fast with poor visibility.
Turn right and cross road with great care.
Follow waymark away from road, crossing small bridge into trees.
Once in field, turn right, follow field edge, through small gate, cross point-to-point track and through second small gate.
Walk along right-hand edge of field, with plantation on rhs.
Through small gate, cross narrow field, and over stile.
At road turn right, over bridge and immediately turn left and through kissing gate.
Walk through plantation with stream immediately on lhs, ignore waymark pointing right.
Just before end of plantation, turn right, following waymark with field on lhs and main plantation on rhs.
Follow grassy track, as it bears right, a stream with a series of bridges will be on lhs. Continue until a waymark points left, cross wooden bridge, exit plantation and turn right.
Follow field edge, at field corner, bear left following with field edge. After about 20m, turn right, over low bridge and through gate.
After gate, turn left and walk along field edge to stile and steps.
Cross stile and steps, take care crossing railway line. Over stile and bridge into grass field.
Continue straight ahead, with hedgerow on lhs. Through two gateways, continuing straight ahead, uphill, until stile is reached by road.
Cross stile and road. Enter Sedgecombe plantation and turn left.
Follow path downhill, cross dirt track keeping on downhill path until a waymark is reached.
If parked at layby, at waymark, continue along path, until end of plantation. Turn left, cross stile to layby.
If staying at Greystone Farm, at waymark, turn left, exit plantation, cross road and walk along farm drive.
Map 5 The Chipping Campden Loop
13km 3.5 hours (pubs in Paxford, Ebrington, Chipping Campden and Broad Campden)
‘This walk consists of farmland, tree plantations, three villages and the beautiful town of Chipping Campden. Although the estimated walk time is 3.5 hours, there is so much to see of interest on this walk that it is best to allocate more time. On the Ebrington side of Chipping Campden, St James’ Church and the Banqueting Hall are very worthy of a photograph, as is the market hall in the town.’
For those not staying at www.greystonefarmcaravansite.co.uk , please do not park at Greystone Farm without prior permission from Emma Harrison, contact details on website. Alternatively, turn left out of farm drive, after approximately 150m, park in layby. Please don’t park in farm gateway. Once parked, cross road and join bridle way which runs along the edge of the farm.
If staying at Greystone Farm caravan site, turn right out of cl field, then immediately left through the stripy gate, follow hedge, through next stripy gate, follow hedge to treeline. Turn left at fence onto bridle way.
Walk along bridle way with trees and brook on rhs.
Walk through three wooden gates, then reach two metal gates.
Go through metal gates, take care crossing railway line.
Walk through metal gate, then down short slope.
Continue along field edge, with hedgerow on rhs.
Continue past track on rhs.
Continue with hedgerow on rhs, towards houses.
Just before houses, there are two bridges on rhs.
Cross over the wider bridge then bear left.
Walk along track with hedgerow on lhs and wooden fence on rhs.
Continue as track turns into gravel driveway.
Follow driveway, over bridge and on towards postbox.
At postbox on grass island, turn left and walk along pavement.
Walk past footpath sign on lhs, until reaching The Churchill Arms.
Opposite pub, walk through kissing gate on lhs, across grass field and over stream bridge.
End of bridge, turn right, over footpath stile and across grass field to low bridge on edge of plantation.
Walk into plantation, follow path to the rhs, with stream on rhs and plantation on lhs. Follow path along stream, to kissing gate. Through kissing gate onto road.
At road turn right, over bridge, cross road and over stile into field.
Cross narrow field, walk with plantation on lhs and field on rhs.
Continue along path, to end of field, through gate, cross point-2-point track, through gate and follow left edge of field.
As field bears right, look for waymark in hedge, pointing left out of the field. Follow waymark, down bank into trees and over bridge.
Follow path to fast road. Turn right and carefully cross road. Follow path to the right running alongside road.
Follow path away from road, up steps, with house on lhs and mill pond on rhs. Through kissing gate, veering slightly to the right, walk to stile.
Cross the stile and turn right onto farm track.
Follow farm track with field on lhs, until reaching road.
At road, turn left and walk uphill alongside road.
Go past (or visit) Vegetable Matters shop/café, continuing on road to Ebrington.
About 50m after 30mph sign, follow waymark pointing left down track.
Walk along track with hedge on rhs, continue onto stone track across field then along grassy track across field.
Walk down to kissing gate in wooded area, through kissing gate, bear slightly left, across field to another kissing gate.
Bear slightly left across field to squeeze stile and bridge.
Over bridge, walk to two big trees in field, continue past trees to corner of field.
Cross squeeze stile and bridge.
Turn right, follow hedge, to stile alongside railway line.
Cross stile and carefully cross railway line. Follow footpath with line on rhs, then turn left and cross stile.
Follow track to fast road.
Carefully walk along road for about 180m (pass Little Oak Vineyard on rhs), before next property driveway, cross road onto track into field.
Once in field, turn right, follow field edge with road on rhs.
At field corner don’t cross the bridges, but follow field edge as it bears left.
Continue short way on footpath until waymark shows path straight on and to the right.
Take path to right, through kissing gate in hedge, follow field path with hedge on rhs.
Through kissing gate in field corner, follow path across field, through kissing gate into wood.
Follow path across a bridge, through wood, through kissing gate into a field.
Follow path with hedge on right, where field widens, continue straight to stile.
Cross stile, following path to kissing gate.
Through kissing gate, take footpath on rhs of field, walking towards Chipping Campden.
Just before stone arch, turn right, cross a bridge into next field.
Bear half right towards the waymark post in middle of field, after waymark post, walk to gate and bridge.
Cross bridge, then across next field towards road and houses.
Through kissing gate and cross road, turn left and follow pavement past St James’ church, cross Cider Mill Lane so church remains on lhs.
Continue on pavement Chipping Campden High Street.
At High Street, cross Church Street to Chemists, and walk along the High Street with road on rhs.
Walk past old Market Hall, just before Noel Arms front door, turn left and walk through archway.
Continue straight on, through carpark, between houses and over bridge.
As road bends, cross road and continue straight ahead up no-through road.
Follow footpath past park and tennis courts and onto track.
Walk along track, approximately 3m before meeting road, turn left onto another track and then immediately right into field.
Walk along field edge with field on lhs and hedge and road on rhs.
Follow path along hedge and then at road bend, bear slightly left following path across field.
At waymark in middle of field, take the right-hand route to kissing gate.
Through kissing gate and walk on rhs of drive on roped off path.
At end of roped off path, cross drive to kissing gate.
Through kissing gate, follow path between two houses.
Path leads onto road way past quaker meeting house and church.
Infront of church bear left and then after no vehicle (?) turn right, following waymark sign between two hedges.
Follow path until reaching road, cross road and take opposite path between two houses. Cross stile into grass field and walk up steep hill to stile at top.
Cross stile, cross road and enter plantation, turn left and follow path downhill.
Cross dirt track keeping on downhill path, until a waymark is reached.
If parked at layby, at waymark, continue along path, until end of plantation. Turn left, cross stile to layby.
If staying at Greystone Farm, at waymark, turn left, exit plantation, cross road and walk along farm drive.
Greystone Farm, Blockley,
Moreton In Marsh,
Gloucestershire, GL56 9LN
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